Docker image details

Firstly check the Dockerfile the server uses.

Here are some details of Dockerfile:

  1. Install azul openjdk at /opt/java8
  2. Use Supervisord to control our Java and Nginx processes.
  3. Java/Nginx worker processes run as user 'admin'
  4. The app fat jar location is /home/admin/app.jar
  5. The log location is /home/admin/logs/holoinsight-server/
  6. The front-end resources location is /home/admin/holoinsight-server-static/
  7. alias g="cd /home/admin/logs/holoinsight-server/"
  8. The helper scripts location is /home/admin/logs/api/ which is a soft link to /home/admin/api/. Considering that most of the time We will be in the /home/admin/logs/holoinsight-server/ directory (using command 'g'), We put the api directory here and use syntax sh ../api/basic/version refers to them
  9. Alias sc to supervisorctl (check /usr/local/bin/sc). So use sc or sc status to check app running status, use sc start/stop/restart app to control the app process. There are some helper scripts based on sc in /home/admin/bin/.