
This article introduces the deployment of HoloInsight and HoloInsight Agent based on Helm.


What you need:

  • Basic knowledge of K8s
  • Basic knowledge of Helm v3
  • A K8s cluster (specification > 4G8G), it is recommended to use K3s for practice
  • A development environment for Linux or Mac
  • Git

Deploy HoloInsight

Note that in this example, the database part will also be deployed together with the Helm Chart, but they are unreliable and do not use any high-availability solutions and persistent storage, which means that once you redeploy, you will lose all data. In production-level practice, you need to prepare these four databases (manually deploy or purchase services provided by cloud vendors), and make them highly available at the production level.

Upgrade or install (update) the latest version of HoloInsight in the holoinsight-server namespace:

# Add holoinsight repository
helm repo add holoinsight

kubectl create namespace holoinsight-server
helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install holoinsight holoinsight/holoinsight

If you want to install a specific version:

helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install --version 1.0.0 holoinsight holoinsight/holoinsight

Wait for all Pods to be in Ready state. You can visually observe the progress using the following command:

kubectl -n holoinsight-server get pods -w

Example output:

$ kubectl -n holoinsight-server get pods -w

NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
holoinsight-mongo-0                       0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-ceresdb-0                     0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-es-0                          0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-server-0                      0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-collector-7ff4bd95b7-jfnj4    0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-prometheus-69795584d6-w7njb   0/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-mysql-0                       1/1     Running   0          9s
holoinsight-mongo-0                       1/1     Running   0          13s
holoinsight-collector-7ff4bd95b7-jfnj4    1/1     Running   0          13s
holoinsight-ceresdb-0                     1/1     Running   0          13s
holoinsight-es-0                          1/1     Running   0          17s
holoinsight-prometheus-69795584d6-w7njb   1/1     Running   0          22s
holoinsight-server-0                      1/1     Running   0          47s

Initialize HoloInsight

When deploying for the first time, HoloInsight needs to do some initialization. This step can be skipped for non-first-time deployments. The current product layer lacks an initialization guide page, so it needs to be initialized through a script. It does the following:

  1. Add a tenant named "default" and configure its storage to use CeresDB
  2. Add an apikey "default"
  3. Import the JVM plugin
  4. Add the application monitoring left menu configuration
git clone
cd holoinsight-helm-charts
# The behavior of some scripts depends on a specific version. If the HoloInsight you just installed is not the latest version,
# It is recommended that you use git checkout holoinsight-1.0.0 to switch to the corresponding version.

Example output:

[database] wait for [holoinsight-mysql] to be ready
partitioned roll out complete: 1 new pods have been updated...

[database] wait for [holoinsight-server] to be ready
partitioned roll out complete: 1 new pods have been updated...

[database] populate init data
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Visit the product page

In production-level practice, you need to manually create Ingress and expose it as a domain name.

Usually the configuration of Ingress depends on the specific deployment environment, so it is not provided in this Helm Chart.

The page access method provided here can only be used in the testing phase.

Map HoloInsight port 80 to local port 8080:

cd holoinsight-helm-charts

Example output:

Visit HoloInsight at http://localhost:8080
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80
Handling connection for 8080

Just visit http://localhost:8080.

At this point there is no data on the page, you need to install HoloInsight-Agent and sample application to generate some data.

Customize HoloInsight

For example, modify the image version and increase the container size. For details about which customizations are supported, please refer to the Chart content. Create a new file values.yaml

  image: holoinsight/server:ANOTHER_TAG
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "8Gi"
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "8Gi"
# applicationYaml: override application.yaml of Spring Boot

For more configuration, see server-bootstrap-configuration.

Execute the following command to install or upgrade (update):

helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install holoinsight -f values.yaml

View the deployment

helm -n holoinsight-server list

Uninstall HoloInsight

helm -n holoinsight-server uninstall holoinsight

Deploy HoloInsight Agent

Edit values.yaml

apikey: "default"
common_version: '1'
workspace: "default"
cluster: "default"

    addr: registry.holoinsight-server:7202
    addr: gateway.holoinsight-server:19610
  secure: false

# If you are using containerd or containerd based k3s, you should mount containerd run directory into cadvisor.
# The following is the config for k3s+containerd.
#  volumes:
#  - name: containerd
#    hostPath:
#      path: /run/k3s/containerd
#  volumeMounts:
#  - name: containerd
#    mountPath: /run/containerd
#    readOnly: true

For more configuration, see agent-bootstrap-configuration.

To install or upgrade (update) HoloInsight-Agent in the holoinsight-agent namespace:

kubectl create namespace holoinsight-agent
helm -n holoinsight-agent upgrade --install holoinsight-agent holoinsight/holoinsight-agent -f values.yaml 

Uninstall HoloInsight-Agent

helm -n holoinsight-agent uninstall holoinsight-agent

More installation methods

helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install holoinsight

# If you can't access the public network, you can download it locally by other means and then use it.
helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install holoinsight holoinsight-1.0.0.tgz 

# If you want to modify the Chart itself, then deploy it without publishing the Chart.
helm -n holoinsight-server upgrade --install holoinsight PATH_TO_YOUR_holoinsight_chart_dir 

Check here for more details.

Install the sample applications

Before exploring HoloInsight, it is recommended to install 2 instances and apply them to the K8s cluster. Let them generate some call traffic to improve the display on HoloInsight.

cd holoinsight-helm-charts
# Install sample applications

# Uninstall sample applications

Exploring HoloInsight for the first time